Create a family library


UX Writer

Time frame

5 weeks


Personal project


Figma, Slides


Google Play is an Android app store. Family library is a feature within Google Play that allows users to share content with other people. 

I analyzed this user journey for a UX writing class. I did a user journey analysis, some user research, deep dives into support cases, redesigns, and rewrites.

User goals

  • Share content with people / families
  • Be able to know what purchases their kids make
  • Be able to buy content for their family members

Business goals

  • Help users share with their families
  • Make it easier for users to control / restrict their kids purchases / content
  • Build relationships with people
  • Sell more content

Before: Onboarding flow is way too long

The entire sign up flow takes over 13 screens. 


Deep dive into problems

Based on support data, and user journey analysis, here are the problems I initially identified.

Problem 1

User journey isn’t intuitive for users who want to share

Problem 2

Unclear information, no context given, and new terms introduced

Problem 3

Content is long and difficult to read

Problem 4

Requires information that doesn’t seem necessary

Problem 5

Redundant information

Problem 6

Flows weren’t updated to Google Material guidelines

Problem 7

Poor organization of information

Problem 8

No indication of how long onboarding is

The process takes over 13 screens, but nothing to tell the user how long it’ll be. 


Approach to the problem

Understand our users

  • Parents
  • People who want to share with family
  • People who want to share with roommates / friends / partners

Analyzed existing user journey and identified gaps in user experience


User journey map

Used existing research, some data I pulled and an old analysis I did to create this user journey map. 


Proposed user journey with improvements in flow and content


Identify the information needed in the onboarding flow

Because there's way too much information in the old onboarding flow, I did a prioritization exercise to identify the actual information needed.

Create a sitemap to help with the design

Used the happy paths to create a sitemap and help with the design.



Make the flow more intuitive, easier to follow.

Shorten and improve onboarding

Reduce friction and drop-offs

Improved entry point 1

Invite users to share from the item itself

Users may want to share specific items to specific people. Take advantage of this entry point where a user would see an item they think a family member would like and would immediately be able to share.


Improved entry point 2

Make it easier for users to share their library

If a user wants to share their entire library, the first thing they might want to do is go to Menu > Library. Add an entry point here with some microcopy to help users understand the connection to “Family” and the ability to share. Bonus, it’s a really good place for users to find their shared family library too.


Improved menu options within Settings

Clarify menu titles

Provide more instructive and helpful menu titles to allow users to easily find their way within settings. 


Create a consistent experience

If one menu item has an explanation, others should also have it too. That way, users always know that they are going in the right direction.


Improved onboarding


Screen 1: Explain the concept as simply as possible to reduce friction and avoid intimidating the user

Share the main point in the header

I added the main point in the header, accentuated by the $0 cost - which is a huge benefit. If nothing at all, this header is what the user should take away from this entire page. 

Use keywords to help connect and explain concepts

I added “shared” to family library to give the concept that the “family library” can be shared with other people. This can be helpful, especially if a user comes from a “Share” button within the item’s details page. 

Explain the benefits in order of your onboarding

Users need to know why they should proceed. I explain here the top benefits for a family library. This should also outline what the user can expect in the next couple screens. 

Simplify onboarding

Unlike the original onboarding, I didn’t separate the concept of “family group” and “family library” so users aren’t overwhelmed by multiple concepts. Instead, I tell them that when they create their family library, their family group is also created. 

Match the header and CTA

I updated the CTA to match the header so the user knows what to expect when they click it. 

Give users an idea of how long onboarding may take

If we can give users an idea of how long a multi-step flow can take, it’ll be a lot easier for them to digest.


Screen 2: Remove distractions from the flow so users can accomplish their goal faster

Help users feel like they are accomplishing their goal

Instead of waiting till screen 9 to have users accomplish their goal, I moved this screen closer in the onboarding process so users know exactly what they are doing. 

Use the header to direct users

The header acts as the instructional text for users. If this is all they read, they would know what to do. 

Provide an explanation of foreseen user issues

A potential issue is if a user doesn’t see an item that they own. I added this in the description to help reduce confusion.

Allow users to choose what to add to their family library

Some items might not be something users would want to add to their library. If we allow them to pick and choose, they’d be able to complete their family library right there (so they don’t have to go back later to add stuff to their library). 

Provide additional help

I added a “Learn more” link to certain concepts that may take longer to explain. That way, users can choose to read more if they want to better understand their situation.


Screen 3: Combine screens that can be combined to shorten the flow

Merge screens that have redundant information and action

Instead of having 2 different screens for the same information, merge the screens to shorten the onboarding flow. 

Provide additional context when needed

I added the “up to 5 people” as a description again so users would know up to how many they can add - even though this was already mentioned in the beginning.

Give users a choice for tricky tasks

Some tasks might not be as easy to do. In this case, the user might not know yet who they want to add to their family, so I gave them another way out to help prevent drop offs within the flow. 

Use the header to direct users

The header acts as the instructional text for users. If this is all they read, they would know what to do.


Screen 4: Give the user a reason to provide their information

Make the user feel like they have a choice

I chose a header that didn’t sound like an instruction so users would know that they have an option to set it up if they wanted to.

Provide the benefits

Users need to know why they should add a payment method and what happens when they do. I added some benefits and provided what would happen when they select a family payment method to give them some peace of mind. 

Provide additional help

If they wanted to learn more about payment methods, I added a link to a helpful page. 

Give users a choice for tricky tasks

Because payment methods can be tricky, I added a way out. The important part was to help the user share with their family.


Error messages

Problem: Error message appears too late in the flow

  • The user can actually get through the first 2 screens before seeing the flow. 
  • The user clicks Close, but it just brings them back to onboarding and into a loop. 
  • The error message doesn’t really tell them what they can do instead.

Avoid trapping the user in a loop and give them options

Give the user options of what they can do

Instead of just telling them the problem, I gave them 2 options of things they can do next - joining a family group instead, or checking when they can create a family group. 

Provide additional help

If they wanted to learn more about their situation, I added a link to a helpful page. 

Don’t lead users back to onboarding

To avoid bringing the users into a loop, lead them out of the onboarding flow. 

Recommend preventing users from getting to the flow in the first place

If they really can’t get through the flow anymore, we should prevent them from entering onboarding. We should either move the error message to the first screen OR gray out the option to create a library (with a link to why they can’t create one). 

