Use content to optimize onboard in help


Content Strategist

Time frame

14 weeks


TUI analysis




Users who are new to Google Play and Google Play's Help Center don't know where to start because there's so much content. 

User goals

  • To find how to use Google Play.
  • To find their way around the help center.

Business goals

  • To help users find their way around the help center.
  • To provide new users with a way to start with Google Play.
  • To help users find and download other Play apps.
  • To help users add their payment method.


We had a signal that allowed us to show content to users who are new to Play. We wanted to use this signal to personalize content and make the user’s onboarding experience a little easier. 

We wanted users to:

  1. Download other Play apps that aren’t native on their phone.
  2. Set up a payment method, since it’ll make it easy for users to find and buy content in future.


We did a brainstorming session and pulled some data to help strategize for our next steps. We found that: 

  • There were too many links, users had a hard time figuring out where to click. 
  • There was too much information, a lot of it was repetitive.
  • We didn’t actually give users a direction or steps to follow




  • Added the “What you can do with Google Play” section first because this is an onboarding article and users would likely want to know what they are getting first. 
  • Show users why they’d need an app before they download the app. 
    • The first section follows this format: “What you can do. Download.”
    • The link at the end of the sentence provides a way to download it if they wanted to. 
  • Added the “Set a payment method” next because this is the one action they can do to make their Play life easy. 
    • Added an intro to why they need to set a payment method because it seems odd that those instructions are there without proper context. What are they getting out of it if they add payment method? 
  • Added 2 sections for users to find help if they need it. 
  • Worked heavily with stakeholders to set up tracking links and Tools to set up the A/B test. 


400% more app installs

